From the series Once upon a Time
35x50 cm

Installation view at Iragui gallery, Paris

From the series They Say
70x100 cm

Installation view at Iragui gallery, Paris

Unlearning Right from Wrong
January 14, 2025-March 8, 2025
Alistair Hicks
(…) Fairy stories are at the heart of this exhibition as they were the way generation after generation of our ancestors tried to guide their children. The ‘Grimm’ elements of fairy stories were vicious as they were trying to toughen us up, but Mäetamm has taken this to new levels.
Then in another series of work he declares ‘This book is too offensive for little children’! We are constantly being told what we can think and what we can’t. The penalty for misbehaviour is being cancelled. We all have to be winners. Come and be winners with Marko!
The exhibition contains work from four series of drawings and paintings, and two works of sculpture.
Alistair Hicks