past exhibitions
- February 14, 2020–April 14, 2020Selfies: Look at me. What do you see?artists:
- January 11, 2018–March 10, 2018Wild Flowers (wildness is contextual!) – Volume II (grow flowers!)On the surface of the show, the naïve and sentimental aesthetic value of the flower presents itself as a deceptive cover over the deeper conceptual research that the works truly look into.
- July 1, 2020–August 31, 2020Intelligence of Flowersartists:
- September 7, 2020–October 31, 2020Every Cookartists:
- January 19, 2021–March 19, 2021I see a catastrophe all the time I sleepartists:
- November 12, 2020–January 13, 2021Goodwinartists:curators:Oleg Frolov
- March 29, 2021–May 29, 2021Concrete Revelationartists:
- December 10, 2018–February 10, 2019Notes on Being Presentartists:
- February 14, 2019–April 6, 2019Pink Punk Operaartists:
- April 12, 2019–June 1, 2019Madonna delle rocceartists:
- September 3, 2019–November 2, 2019Red Heatartists:
- November 13, 2019–January 13, 2020Serious Thingsartists:
- June 7, 2021–July 15, 2021Commercial Forest Poetryartists:
- September 13, 2021–November 13, 2021The Cat on the Frescoartists:curators:Carlos Noronha Feio
- November 24, 2021–January 29, 2022Flickering memoryartists:
- February 8, 2022–March 30, 2022All the Others Inside Meartists:curators:Nicolas Audureau
- September 9, 2022–November 26, 2022Face-controlartists:
- February 16, 2023–April 14, 2023Congo Photo AlbumPhotography and performance from the Democratic Republic of Congocurators:Daria Kirsanova
- September 4, 2017–October 24, 2017Attunementsartists:
- April 29, 2023–June 23, 2023Topos Lost - 2artists:
- June 29, 2023–October 3, 2023Silent Hillartists:
- October 6, 2023–December 8, 2023Dance Macabreartists:
- February 6, 2024–April 5, 2024Sense and SensibilityThe exhibition of Nikita Alexeev's works, curated by Sasha Obukhovaartists:curators:Sasha Obukhova
- April 22, 2024–June 10, 2024Production FailureCurated by Nikolay Alutinartists:curators:Nikolay Alutin
- June 19, 2024–July 12, 2024As Good as LostNew Olga Bozhko show with installation artworksartists:
- July 16, 2024–August 16, 2024Summer break at the gallery until the 16th of August 2024
- September 8, 2024–October 26, 2024Re-AnimationsKOMUNUMA 43 Rue de la Commune de Paris, Romainville, France, Tue — Sat, 10.00–18.00artists:curators:Hervé Mikaeloff
- October 1, 2024–November 29, 2024No ExcessIragui Projects, Malaya Polyanka 7 5, Moscow, Tue — Fri, 14:00–19:00artists:
- November 5, 2024–December 22, 2024Le vin que l'on boit par les yeuxKOMUNUMA 43 Rue de la Commune de Paris, Romainville, France, Tue — Sat, 10.00–18.00artists:curators:Nicolas Audureau
- January 14, 2025–March 8, 2025Unlearning Right from Wrong43 Rue de la Commune de Paris, KOMUNUMA - Romainville, Francecurators:Alistair Hicks
- March 6, 2025–May 7, 2025Grey GardensDima Kadyntsev's Grey Gardens exhibition | Iragui Projects x Gallery 9B. | Malaya Polyanka, 7-5, Moscow. Mon - Fri, 14.00 - 19.00