On January, 13th Maria Arendt’s solo show ‘Out, but not arrived’ opened in New Delhi at Urban Fringe — the underground studio of Aakshat Sinha, an artist and a curator. India is the 13th country where Maria travelled during last year to create and exhibit works as a part of her overall project ‘Somewhere on the way’.
Here what the artist herself says about this project:
“A few years ago, my exhibition “Out, but not arrived” with the French artist Catherine Scherrer opened at the Iragui Gallery in Moscow.
At that time I had no idea that the exhibition dedicated to refugees would turn out to be prophetic for me.
Now I have been “Out, but not arrived” for almost a year.
India is the 13 th country I’ve been to.
For obvious reasons, my journey is not entirely voluntary.
But I have no sense of being disconnected from home, for my home is my work.
I build them “brick by brick” by surrounding myself with these walls.
And it doesn’t matter where I am in the world.
Because I carry my memories with me, they are simultaneously a sanctuary, scrolls, prayer carpet and mystic safeguard. It is a screen protecting from the contingencies of the environment and at the same time a screen chronicling the artist’s impressions and emotions. It is both a fairground show booth and a tent giving shelter to a traveler from heat or cold.
The elements of my “architextile” curtains have two sides. The front one is for the public while the reverse is the sacred one. I show the public the revers side of my works but is unable to decide which side is more important. This may be a bifurcation point, where alternative history starts”.
The exhibition is on until January, 17, 2023.